As human civilization progresses, people try to become independent of several natural phenomena like drought, typhoon, flood and so on. From this thought, weather modification developed, and the rainmaking is the most famous one. Commonly, rainmaking is considered making rain from nothing. But, now that kind of technology is nowhere in the world. Rather, the term ‘artificial increasing of rain’ is more appropriate. So, the goal of present research is reducing disaster redistributing precipitation phenomena and securing sufficient water resource.
Artificial rainfall is making artificial rain using cloud seeding which change property of cloud. Usually, dry ice, potassium chloride and silver iodide are used. And using airplane, rocket, and power production facilities on the ground they are scattered on the sky.
There are many advantage when using artificial rainfall, on the contrary to this, several disadvantages are also exist. So, for the sincere human health and happiness enhancement, we have to consider several effects, examing it from various angles. And more systematic and continuous research will be needed.